About us
About us
We are the company operating in the fire protection industry since 1986.
Our business activity started from fire extinguishers repair workshop.
In 1992 we started selling tools and devices of our own production for fire extinguishers repair workshops as well as German company Brandschutztechnik Muller. We also project, advise, equip and supply those workshops. The high quality of the equipment we offer can be easily confirmed by several hundred customers in Poland and abroad.
We have fully equipped the fire extinguisher repair workshops in Russia, Czech Republic, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan.
In our offer we also have high pressure extinguishing devices for fire brigades.
Since 2008 we sell and service fire simulators, thanks to them fire-fighting trainings have become more attractive, effective and completely safe.
Od 1998 roku prowadzimy szkolenia konserwatorów podręcznego sprzętu przeciwpożarowego. Posiadamy specjalnie do tego celu przystosowane pomieszczenia szkoleniowe wyposażone w nowoczesny sprzęt do naprawy i konserwacji gaśnic. Kładziemy nacisk na wysoką jakość szkolenia i gruntowne przygotowanie konserwatorów do zawodu, dlatego szkolenia odbywają się w małych – 9 osobowych grupach. Wysoką jakość naszych szkoleń może potwierdzić kilkuset konserwatorów gaśnic.
Since 1998 we train conservators of portable fire-fighting equipment. We have training rooms specially adapted and equipped with modern equipment to repair and maintenance fire extinguishers.
Our trainings are also the ones to operate fire-fighting equipment .For the practical trainings we use evacuation corridor and fire simulator. Participants of the training are able to feel hot flames on their own skin and find out how difficult it is to move in a smoky room.